Social media is an excellent source of marketing for businesses, and none more so than Instagram. Although it’s only pictures and videos, the gram has taken over as the crown prince thanks to its popularity and the shift away from the written word. Still, a business should never believe it can build a quality Instagram page in the blink of an eye. For one thing, it’s not that easy plus it takes time to get it right. If you are looking to make a splash on the gram, there are a few pointers you need to know first.
Are you ready? Good, then let’s get snapping.
Clear Profile Clutter.
Far too many profiles are not clear and concise and don’t exploit marketing ploys possible. Instagram is an image-based platform, so pictures must be high-quality, especially the profile image. A photo which is obviously you or the brand is one which won’t confuse customers and force them to bounce. Although pictures are the aim of the game, there are opportunities to exploit the written word. Within the profile description, Skip The Line Backlinks says don’t be afraid to optimize keywords and phrases. It may seem insignificant, but it makes all the difference in search engine results pages. Of course, a page which is on point is also more likely to get backlinks.
Use Hashtags.
Aren’t they the property of Twitter? The tweetosphere may have coined the idea, but they work across the board including the gram. In fact, Later says that hashtags result in 12.6% more engagement than regular pages as they expose the brand to large audiences. The problem is that they can be touchy subjects as some people hate them and think they are preppy, so you have to be careful. The key is to create tags which relate to both your brand and your followers. It isn’t easy to do, which is why apps exist which point you in the direction of associated hashtags. Also, there’s the tried and tested copy-everything-the-best-grammers-do. If their tags are popping, there’s a chance you can piggyback off the success.
Use Video.
Image-based it may be, but Instagram is also a Mecca for video users. And, as businesses know, a video is the king of content in this brave new world. The great thing is that you can use a variety of vids to appeal customers and provide value. For example, one terrific piece of PR is to create a welcome or introductory tape for your followers. Once they watch it, the vid should instantly appease the trust issues which are common online nowadays. And, more trust means a better chance of a conversion. Also, you can put up reviews or helpful posts which tackle problems for your average follower. Don’t forget about live streaming too. Not only is it accessible from a mobile device, but it’s perishable and creates a sense of urgency. If they don’t watch it live, they won’t catch the video.
Follow these three tips and your Instagram page will skyrocket in popularity.